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Karaimi w publikacji Arkadija Tretiakova Kupcy goroda Kieva

Sulimowicz-Keruth, Anna
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (PL)

This paper is an extended review of Kupcy goroda Kieva (The Merchants of the City of Kiev), a book by Arkadiy Tretyakov published in Kiev 2017 (483 pp., ill.). The book, authored by a Kievan geographer, is based on an exhaustive analysis of the city’s archives. It contains a comprehensive list of merchants who ran various businesses in Kiev between 1836 and 1917. MIt includes more than 30 Karaims, mostly tobacco merchants. Identifying them is a difficult task since Tretyakov does not provide the relevant information. However, an effort is made by the author of the paper to identify them on the basis of surnames and additional data from other sources.

Słowa kluczowe PL
Kijowscy Karaimi Karaimi w imperium rosyjskim Karaimi w Łucku kupcy w Kijowie przemysł tytoniowy w imperium ropsyjskim
Dyscyplina PBN
nauki o kulturze i religii
Almanach Karaimski
Licencja otwartego dostępu
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