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Short-range Lifetime Measurements for Deep-inelastic Reaction Products: the <sup>19</sup>O Test Case

Kicińska-Habior, Marta
Zielińska, M.
Wieland, O.
Wasilewska, B.
Vardaci, E.
Ziębliński, M.
Stefan, I.
Stanoiu, M.
Schmitt, Ch.
Rejmund, M.
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

An experiment, aiming at measuring lifetimes of excited states in neutron-rich C and O isotopes, was performed at the GANIL laboratory with the use of the AGATA segmented HPGe tracking array, coupled to the PARIS scintillator array and to the VAMOS++ magnetic spectrometer. The nuclei of interest were populated in transfer and deep-inelastic processes induced by an <sup>18</sup>O beam at 126 MeV (7.0 MeV/u) on a <sup>181</sup>Ta target. This paper contains a brief description of a novel implementation of a Monte-Carlo technique, which allowed us to obtain excited states lifetimes in the range from tens to hundreds femtoseconds for a reaction with complex initial velocity distribution, making use of the Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM). As a test case, we present here the analysis for two states in <sup>19</sup>O: 2371-keV 9/2<sup>+</sup> and 2779-keV 7/2<sup>+</sup>, for which lifetimes of τ>400 fs and τ=140<sup>+50</sup><sub>-40</sub> fs were obtained, respectively, in agreement with literature values. This newly developed approach will be essential for short lifetimes measurements in neutron-rich systems, exploiting intense ISOL-type beams, currently under development.

Słowa kluczowe EN
Excited states
Germanium compounds
Dyscyplina PBN
nauki fizyczne
Acta Physica Polonica, Series B.
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