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The Belle II Physics Book

Misiak, Mikołaj
Rosiek, Janusz
Wiechczyński, Jarosław
Wąs, Zbigniew
Prasanth, K.
Popov, V.
Lerma, L. Podesta
Piilonen, L. E.
Purohit, M. V.
Prim, Markus Tobias
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

We present the physics program of the Belle II experiment, located on the intensity frontier SuperKEKB e+e- collider. Belle II collected its first collisions in 2018, and is expected to operate for the next decade. It is anticipated to collect 50/ab of collision data over its lifetime. This book is the outcome of a joint effort of Belle II collaborators and theorists through the Belle II theory interface platform (B2TiP), an effort that commenced in 2014. The aim of B2TiP was to elucidate the potential impacts of the Belle II program, which includes a wide scope of physics topics: B physics, charm, tau, quarkonium, electroweak precision measurements and dark sector searches. It is composed of nine working groups (WGs), which are coordinated by teams of theorist and experimentalists conveners: Semileptonic and leptonic B decays, Radiative and Electroweak penguins, phi_1 and phi_2 (time-dependent CP violation) measurements, phi_3 measurements, Charmless hadronic B decay, Charm, Quarkonium(like), tau and low-multiplicity processes, new physics and global fit analyses. This book highlights "golden- and silver-channels", i.e. those that would have the highest potential impact in the field. Theorists scrutinised the role of those measurements and estimated the respective theoretical uncertainties, achievable now as well as prospects for the future. Experimentalists investigated the expected improvements with the large dataset expected from Belle II, taking into account improved performance from the upgraded detector.

Słowa kluczowe EN
CKM matrix
D0 anti-D0: mixing
quantum chromodynamics
photon: hidden sector
lepton: flavor: violation
Higgs particle: doublet
new physics
numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
experimental results
Dyscyplina PBN
nauki fizyczne
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
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