Three-body breakup in deuteron-deuteron collisions at 160 MeV including quasifree scattering
Abstrakt (EN)
A set of differential cross section of the three-body <sup>2</sup>H(d,dp)n breakup reaction at 160-MeV deuteron beam energy is presented for 147 configurations covering a wide kinematical region around quasifree scattering. The experiment was performed at KVI in Groningen, the Netherlands, using the BINA detector. The cross-section data have been normalized to the <sup>2</sup>H(d,d)<sup>2</sup>H elastic-scattering cross section. The data are compared to the results of recent single-scattering approximation (SSA) calculations for three-cluster breakup in deuteron-deuteron collisions. This comparison shows that SSA provides the correct order of magnitude of the cross sections. The studied energy is probably too low to meet the SSA assumptions which prevents better accuracy of the description.