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Legal Subjectivity of Chimps, or “Monkey Verdicts” in the United States

Rydel, Konrad
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

Practical implementation of the right to freedom by applying the habeas corpus order for animals is the subject of this work. The article deals with four proceedings initiated in the United States by the non-profit organization the Nonhuman Rights Project. The author tries to describe attempts to change the perception of animals only as things within the meaning of the law. Four court cases were presented for this purpose. All cases concerned the issue of a habeas corpus order for a chimpanzee. The article describes the most important fragments of court rulings on this subject and indicates the motives that determined the refusal to issue an order. In the following, the author presents the case of an orangutan, which was detained at a zoo in Buenos Aires and basically compares the positions of the courts. Mainly, the text presents key arguments raised by parties – supporters and opponents of issuing habeas corpus orders for animals. At the moment, there is no dominant position among lawyers and courts. Cases were precedential and therefore it cannot be determined how they will affect the legal system or the situation of animals.

Słowa kluczowe PL
legal subjectivity
animal rights
dereification of animals
habeas corpus
Dyscyplina PBN
nauki prawne
Tytuł monografii
Legal protection of animals
Nazwa edycji konferencji
Domestic, European Union and International Standards in Legal Protection of Animals
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