Assessment of SAPT(DFT) with meta-GGA functionals
Abstrakt (EN)
This work examines the suitability of meta-GGA functionals for symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) calculations. The assessment is based on the term-by-term comparison with the benchmark SAPT variant based on coupled-cluster singles and doubles description of monomers, SAPT(CCSD). Testing systems include molecular complexes ranging from strong to weak and the He dimer. The following nonempirical meta-GGAs are examined: TPSS, revTPSS, MVS, SCAN, and SCAN0 with and without the asymptotic correction (AC) of the exchange-correlation potential. One range-separated meta-GGA functional, LC-PBETPSS, is also included. The AC-corrected pure meta-GGAs (with the exception of MVS) represent a definite progress in SAPT(DFT) compared to pure GGA, such as PBEAC, with their more consistent predictions of energy components. However, none of the meta-GGAs is better than the hybrid GGA approach SAPT(PBE0AC). The SAPT(DFT) electrostatic energy offers the most sensitive probe of the quality of the underlying DFT density. Both SCAN- and TPSS-based electrostatic energies agree with reference to within 5% or better which is an excellent result. We find that SCAN0 can be used in SAPT without the AC correction. The long-range corrected LC-PBETPSS is a reliable performer both for the components and total interaction energies.