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CC-BY-NC-SACC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkach

Verbal Aggression in European Languages and Cultures

Bonacchi, Silvia
Gradowski, Mariusz
Konert-Panek, Monika
Mela, Mariusz
Michnowska, Maria
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Utri, Reinhold
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

This publication is a handbook for bilingual secondary schools dedicated to the prevention of verbal aggression among adolescents. The handbook is the result of a project entitled "Verbal aggression in a cross-cultural perspective - sources, forms, ways to counteract it", within the framework of Action III.3.2. "Promotion of scientific research" of the program Excellence Initiative - Research University of Warsaw. This is a program dedicated to the so-called Third Mission of UW, i.e. the impact of scientific research on society. Verbal aggression is a growing problem in our societies, both in the private sphere and in social life - in the family, at school, in the workplace, on the Internet, in the political arena. The first part of the handbook presents theories on the phenomenon of verbal aggression. It is followed by a discussion of various manifestations of aggressive behavior: threats and insults, aggression against people with disabilities, ethnic racism and sexism, hate speech, stalking, (cyber)mobbing, Internet aggression, as well as pro-social forms of aggression, such as aggression in music and "banter aggression”. Each section is accompanied by interactive exercises for classroom and group work. The technical terms used are explained in an appendix in the form of a small glossary.

Słowa kluczowe EN
verbal aggression
environmental threats
Dyscyplina PBN
Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Data udostępnienia w otwartym dostępie
Licencja otwartego dostępu
Uznanie autorstwa- Użycie niekomercyjne- Na tych samych warunkach