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Political Leadership in Morphogenetic Perspective

Pierzchalski, Filip
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

This book depicts a new research perspective of political leadership, in which the multi-level and dynamic leadership relation in explained as relations between the leader (human agency) and followers (sociological environment). In this sense, leadership comprises mutual influences between personal and structural domain. In morphogenesis, the subject matrix of leadership keeps the division into private and public exposure, as well as individual and collective realization, which in fact means that the phenomenon of political leadership directly depends on the reality of the agent and structure. The author offers a new point of view for this primary research goal, which is a precise and systematic explication of the notion of political leadership in the morphogenetic scope.

Dyscyplina PBN
nauki o polityce i administracji
Wydawca ministerialny
Peter Lang Publishing Group
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