Rozdziały w monografiach
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Teraz wyświetlane1 - 5 z 13333
- Rozdział w monografiiBrepols2024-09-06
Queens and Duchesses in the High Middle Ages: The Role of Elite Women in Shaping Dynastic Legitimation during Periods of Political Change
Pac GrzegorzWyświetlenia9Pobrania9 - Rozdział w monografiiBrepols2024-09-06
Dynastic Conflicts: Civil Wars or Constant Struggles?
Orning Hans JacobWyświetlenia10Pobrania11 - Rozdział w monografiiBrepols2024-09-06
Struggles for Episcopal Legitimation during the Gregorian Reform in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Norway and Poland
,Pysiak JerzySkwierczyński KrzysztofWyświetlenia9Pobrania10 - Rozdział w monografiiBrepols2024-09-06
The Contrast between the Ideology and the Practice of Rulership in Medieval Poland and Norway
,Dalewski ZbigniewOrning Hans JacobWyświetlenia8Pobrania8 - Rozdział w monografiiBrepols2024-09-06
Coinage, the Cult of Saints, and the Legitimization of Elites in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Poland and Norway
,Hope Steffen ,Bogucki MateuszGullbekk Svein HaraldWyświetlenia9Pobrania5