The institutional context of the wolf (Canis lupus) conservation in Poland

Chmielewski, Piotr
Matczak, Piotr
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

The dissertation’s objective is to analyze institutional conditions of wolf protection in Poland and in particular, to investigate to what extent wolf protection is effective at the three levels: (a) the wolf protection policy, (b) the legal system, (c) implementation of the protection tools. Below results are presented regarding the three following sub-objectives summarizing the analysis realized in the three consecutive chapters: What is the shape of the Polish wolf policy mix in a comparative perspective in terms of its consistency, comprehensiveness, and vertical and horizontal coherence? What are the legal and social conditions of the Polish country’s court’s rulings concerning the illegal killings of wolves? What is the influence of the social conditions that affect the effectiveness of measures protecting farm animals against wolves? The first sub-objective of the research is to analyze the shape of the Polish wolf policy mix from a comparative perspective, in terms of its consistency, comprehensiveness, and vertical and horizontal coherence (Boon et al., 2021). An internally consistent and coherent policy mix is crucial for the effective conservation of the species and can help address institutional failures in the existing policy mix (Boon et al., 2021). The policy mix concept is defined as the total structure of policy processes, strategies, and instruments with multiple objectives in a unidirectional way. The wolf policy mix is the state where the objectives of many public policies converge into a single policy mix, which is the protection and management of wolf populations at the national level. Results of the research Revealed that the Polish wolf policy mix differs from countries that were subject of de Boon et al.(2021) study: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain (Castilla y León), the Netherlands, and Germany (Bavaria and Saxony). The Polish policy consists of separate elements of different sectoral policies: processes, plans, and policy instruments. The current wolf policy in Poland lacks vertical coherence. The Polish policy mix also lacks horizontal coherence, as there is no presence or search for possible fields of synergies with the national forest, hunting, and agricultural policies aimed at the wolf conservation and management issues. Analysis shows that the Polish wolf policy mix has weak consistency, as the general goal of wolf protection is not reinforced by other policy elements. There is a need to look for a common application of instruments to protect the wolf along with others, for example, those relating to the support of livestock farmers under the state agricultural policy. The policy mix is also characterized by weak comprehensiveness, as human-wolf conflicts are arising, and there are high-profile incidents with habituated wolves. The only manifestation of consistency in the Polish wolf policy mix is the requirement to apply measures to livestock to receive later compensation for damage caused by wolves (ex-post compensation payment system). The policy mix is governed by a combination of national and EU regulations, as well as regional policies and management plans. Regional policies and management plans, developed at the local or regional level, also play a role in the management of wolves in Poland. The compensation system for livestock losses, a key component of the policy mix, is designed to reduce conflict between wolves and humans and to provide an incentive for farmers to implement preventive measures. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the policy mix in promoting wolf protection is limited, and the study found that conflicts between humans and wolves continue to occur. The next sub-objective of the research investigated the legal and social conditions of Polish country’s court rulings concerning illegal killings of wolves as a sub-objective. The analysis focuses on judgments of courts and public opinion attitudes survey analysis.

Słowa kluczowe EN
environmental sociology
species conservation
nature conservation
protection policy
conservation goal
preventive measures
human-wolf conflict
wolf conservation
socjologia środowiska
ochrona gatunkowa
ochrona przyrody
polityka ochrony przyrody
cel konserwatorski
środki zabezpieczające
konflikt ludzie-wilki
ochrona wilka
Inny tytuł
Instytucjonalny kontekst ochrony wilka (Canis lupus) w Polsce
Data obrony
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