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Enantioselective sensing of (S)-Thalidomide in blood plasma with a chiral naphthalene diimide derivative

Donten, Mikołaj
Poszytek, Joanna
Lipiński, Piotr
Malkowska, Anna
Grudzinski, Ireneusz P.
Karoń, Krzysztof
Kawęcki, Robert
Łapkowski, Mieczysław
Nowicka, Anna
Rode, Joanna
Data publikacji
Abstrakt (EN)

Fast, simple in use and highly effective voltammetric enantiosensor dedicated for determination of thalidomide (TD) enantiomers (especially towards the toxic (S)-enantiomer) in blood plasma is still desirable. Here we have proven that newly synthesized chiral naphthalene diimide (NDI) derivatives are excellent electroactive materials for TD enantiosensors. The recognition process relies on the specific interaction between the chiral NDI receptor and the thalidomide enantiomer of the opposite configuration. This unique specific interaction between (S)-thalidomide and (R)-NDI derivative counterparts, evident in the DPV voltammograms, was confirmed by molecular modeling. The demonstrated voltammetric enantiosensors are characterized by the low detection limit at the level of μg·L−1, wide analytical range from 5·10−4 – 10 mg·L−1, high selectivity and long lifetime. The results of the recovery rates showed a very good degree of accuracy towards the determination of (S)-thalidomide in the blood samples, so it can be successfully used in the analysis of clinical samples.

Słowa kluczowe EN
Voltammetric enantiosensor
Chiral naphthalene diimide
Chiral recognition modeling
Dyscyplina PBN
nauki chemiczne
Biosensors and Bioelectronics
Strony od-do 112446
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