Typologia paralel leksykalnych (na materiale „Słownika paralel rosyjsko-polskich”)
Abstrakt (EN)
This article has been written as part of the work on A Dictionary of Russian-Polish Lexical Parallels, which is currently being developed in the Lexicographical Research Laboratory of the Institute of Russian Studies at the University of Warsaw. The article concentrates on the theoretical premises of the dictionary including words from the two languages which are similar in terms of their (phonic and/or graphic) form and are more or less close in meaning. It introduces the concept of lexical parallels as a term which, according to the authors, better describes the relations between lexemes from two languages than such traditional expressions as interlinguistic homonymy. It presents examples of entries from the new dictionary proposing a typology depending on the number of lexemes composing their structure and the specific character of the relations between them.